Find experiences

Reaque is an mobile tool where we can share and find things related to Mozambique, the people and things there. From reflections and culture throught history and gastronomy to tourism and even fashion, if it is something about there, you should share and find it in Reaque.

Also, it is open-source - what means that anybody can somehow help making it better.

Meet Reaque.

Chill the way you live

Currently available for android only, it is designed with a edge to edge beautiful light theme.


Securely powered by Google OAuth security,

Android Design.

Naturally engages with android UI/UX language,

Cloud on its heart.

Made to take advantage of all the benefits of a centered yet fast, infrastructure

Best Features

You may like this but there are plenty more

.Sync across devices

Once you log in with your account you have all your data on your hand.

.Cloud Storage

Backed with firebase MBaaS.

.Modern Design

With newest mobile patterns including the new material design.

Android Platform.

Built to support old phones and at the same time targeting nowadays features.

Great support.

You can send us an feedback anytime you want.

Smooth reading experience.

You dont have to get exhaust while reading a post in reaque


Get to know inside from inside.

Get Reaque

When you get this on your device, you'll know. Unfortunately, you cannot download it from the app store just yet :(. But you can get the APK file down below. :)